Thursday, November 22, 2012

Being Thankful

Since today is Thanksgiving, I am going to put ALL my good things on my list. Some days it is hard to choose just one, but today I am going to share them all. Because I am grateful for each and every one.

Thanksgiving day cuddle. :)
 A delicious french toast breakfast, made by Amazing Husband! :)
Coming home to our home and enjoying a warm crackling fire. 
Watching the Macy's Day parade for the first time. Ever. Husband thought me watching it for the first time was hilarious, but I really truly didn't know the floats stopped. And so many people sang. I think I will have to watch this again sometime. ;) 
Delicious homemade turkey and cranberries and sweet potatoes and corn and green beans and apple pie and salad and carrots and sparkling apple cider. And each yummy bite eaten with loved ones. <3

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